
The following are letters written by some of my clients detailing their individual experiences. I only asked them to write about their experiences if they chose to do so voluntarily.
Hello, my name is Wilton Brown. I’m 74 almost 75.
In the past ten years I’ve had two open heart bypass surgeries, the second, after a bout with pneumonia, to correct some issues caused by the first operation ten years ago.
This year I had the good fortune of meeting Jack Ebner, a Doctor of Biophysiology, in the early part of the year. I’ve had some walking issues due to hip pain and have had to use a cane since having the surgeries. I’ve also had digestive issues, breathing difficulties and chest pains medically referred to as angina. Additionally I was on several medications for high blood pressure and an aspirin regimen as well.
Doctor Ebner told me he could probably help me overcome some or all of these maladies over time with a biological approach using diet and other lifestyle factors.
Since there didn’t seem to be any risk to his approach and what he had to say made common sense, I decided to sign up for his tutelage. Well, within just two days of making some modifications in my daily routine, my chronic chest pains were gone and my breathing difficulties greatly dissipated. Additionally, I’m no longer having gassyness or bloating which is a huge comfort. I am now cane free and can walk up and down stairs and at least twice as far as before with very little discomfort. My blood pressure has normalized and I’m no longer taking any medications. All of these improvements have happened over about a two month period. Doctor Ebner has also told me that with continued healthful living habits, I can expect to achieve even more health improvements.
Above all, this has made me feel optimistic for the future.
What Doctor Ebner has given me is a renewed desire for living and I am ever so thankful for his counseling.
Will Brown

To Whom It May Concern:
Last August, I attended a lecture given by Jack M. Ebner, a doctor of physiology, on the subject of diseases, especially the "itises". I've had RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS for 30 years so I was very anxious to hear what he had to say. As the Branch Manager for the West Hawaii Branch of The Arthritis Foundation, I was not only interested in what I might learn for my own personal benefit but in what I could possibly share with so many who are afflicted with similar chronic diseases who turn to The Arthritis Foundation for guidance and help.
Well, I must say, that lecture has changed the quality of my life tremendously! Jack not only provides you with excellent learning materials but with the emotional support as well. I was not taking any medications at the time for the pain except tylenol as the harsher prescriptive drugs had too many side effects which only made me feel more miserable. As I became re-educated and began applying the principles taught to my daily routine, the most amazing changes have taken place on an on-going basis:
1. No pain in wrists and feet.
2. General aches and pain gone.
3. Don't need pain medication - saving lots of money on this item alone.
4. No longer have migraine headaches that I have had for the past ten years.
5. Problems with too much yeast in my system - GONE! I had chronic yeast infections. The medications for that no longer worked.
6. Haven't had a cold or flu since, even though everyone around me is sick.
7. Don't get a stiff neck when I drive to Hilo.
8. Not constipated anymore.
9. Lost ten pounds.
10. Happier, (laugh more)
11. Better concentration
12. Don't take medications of any kind.
So you see why I say "it changed my life". I have so much more I want to accomplish and to learn and now I have the energy I've always needed to do this with. The changes I've listed came very quickly and I'll be forever grateful!
Arlene Green
West Hawaii Branch
The Arthritis Foundation
To Whom It May Concern:
I never thought I would be writing a testimonial letter about anyone or anything. When I've read such letters, my thoughts or comments were always "I wonder how much money they were paid to say or write that statement?" Well, I can assure you I was not paid to write the following but rather was simply asked if I would be willing to do so; needless to say, I've done so voluntarily in order that others so afflicted may take some comfort in knowing that there's real and lasting hope out there for those suffering from problems similar to mine.
Ever since I was a small child, I have been afflicted with stiff knees. Within the last couple of years, pain has been added to the stiffness. I also began to experience a sharp piercing pain in my left knee that began to awaken me nearly every morning between four and five o'clock. It was so painful, I began taking Advil. I eventually went to my medical doctor who suggested that I take Celebrex. It did provide relief however the thought of having to take medication daily for the rest of my life seemed a bit overwhelming, not to mention expensive, and thus I decided to seek advice elsewhere.
As I set my sites in other directions, I noticed an ad in the local paper by a Dr. Ebner proclaiming expertise in assisting those with chronic and painful joint problems. I had had prior contact with Dr. Ebner of a satisfactory nature, though unrelated to health, and so I thought perhaps he may be of assistance given my present health dilemma and thus I made the call.
Dr. Ebner or Dr. Jack, as he prefers to be addressed, told me what I needed in order to permanently overcome my painful and chronic knee inflammation was not treatments or medications but rather education. Up until that point, I was so use to seeking out treatments for what ailed me that at first I thought how is information going to help me but I suspended my judgments long enough to hear him out and as I listened, what he had to say made common sense and thus I decided to trust my instincts and placed myself under his care and guidance.
Well, that was over a year ago and in spite of or rather because of the fact that some of what I learned was contrary to both medical science as well as what I had assumed to be true all of my life, after one year I have experienced major improvements in both my knees and no longer have a need for Advil, Celebrex, Vioxx or any medications for that matter. I am no longer awakened by knee pain and I also have increased flexibility. I also like the fact that I am in total control of how good I do or don't feel both today, tomorrow and for the rest of my life. One of my passions is dancing and due to my new found health improvements, my enjoyment on the dance floor is greater than ever.
If you're having problems with joint pain or any kind of chronic pain for that matter, you may find it in your best interest, as well, to seek out solutions that are based on the biological repair processes inherent in us all.
Indeed, education was the solution.
Virginia Lawson Kailua-Kona, HI
Dear Reader:
In the Fall of 2003, my daughter, who lives in West Hawaii , noticed an advertisement in her local paper by a Dr. Ebner proclaiming expertise in helping those with rheumatoid arthritis - not to treat it but TO GET RID OF IT. Well, it certainly sounded too good to be true; after all, if there were a way to get rid of this disease, wouldn't medical science offer whatever Dr. Ebner offers instead of steroid injections and joint replacement surgery? Why wouldn't the non-profit arthritis foundations that the public donates hundreds of millions of dollars to every year to search for a cure promote what this doctor offers if it's proven to cure this affliction that literally millions suffer from? I pondered these questions and more.
I have to admit, I was extremely skeptical but suspended judgment while investigating what this was all about. I have had rheumatoid arthritis in my knees for twenty years and have been taking steroid injections to numb the pain from a disease my physician told me I would have for the rest of my life. I live in Saipan and needed to speak to some of Dr. Ebner's former patients to see what they had to say, which I did. Well, their responses were all extremely positive and thus I decided to place myself under Dr. Ebner's care.
That was last Fall. This is September 2004 and I am thrilled to report that I am completely cured. My ankles and knees are completely healed and pain and inflammation free. I no longer need steroid injections nor will I need the inevitable joint replacement surgery that would have been necessary at some point as this chronic disease progressed. This has truly been a miracle and I am thrilled to have my joint health restored. I am 67 years old and now my golden years will NOT be spent in a wheelchair or in a hospital having nuts and bolts in my knees replaced from time to time.
If you, or a loved one, are having joint problems and you want to regenerate permanent healthy joint function, I urge you to call Dr. Ebner. If he could help me with a twenty year old problem, he could probably help you too with arthritis as well as a host of other chronic diseases. What gripes me is the fact that had I known about Dr. Ebner's drugless, treatment-free natural approach twenty years ago, I could have avoided a lot of pain, suffering and medical expense. My physician should have known about this. Like Dr. Ebner says, "It's all about education not treatments." If you can learn, you can overcome your disease. If this conservative, no side effects approach doesn't work, you can always fall back on medical or surgical approaches if needed.
I highly recommend you at least take advantage of Dr. Ebner's free consultation and assessment. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Words cannot describe how grateful I am. This has been one of my all time best investments. From the bottom of my heart, thank you Dr. Ebner.
Bud White
Northern Mariana Island
To Anyone Who May Be Concerned:
About three years ago, I fell off a ladder and injured my right elbow by cracking the bone. After the serious pain subsided, I was in a sling for about a month. I went through extensive physical therapy hoping to beat atrophy and to increase my range of motion. After nearly a year, I still had not regained normal range of motion which was very disappointing to me.
I decided to consult with Dr. Jack Ebner because he said he had worked with those who had similar conditions. Well, within ten days of following Dr. Ebner's recommendations I was taking a shower one evening when I noticed that I could reach an area of my upper back that I hadn't been able to reach for years! Of course I was thrilled. My range of motion is now completely restored!
Additionally, my mother has been following Dr. Ebner's advice for several months. She has already experienced very noticeable relief of her angina, chest pains relating to constricted blood flow to the heart, decreased chronic lower back pain and chronic knee joint pain.
It's so exciting to know that with the proper knowledge and guidance, a person can affect the healing processes of this fantastic miracle we call a body to such a great extent without the need for drugs and/or surgery in a relatively short period of time. I feel in control of my health now more than ever before and it feels great!
From the bottom of my heart, I owe Dr. Ebner a great deal of gratitude for sharing his priceless knowledge with me and being there for me and my questions whenever I need him. It's been well worth the price of admission.
In the best of health,
Gene T. Calvert Kailua-Kona, HI
P.S. I would like to add many years after this happened, I developed a skin condition on my lower left leg. Everybody I consulted said how serious a condition this was and that I needed special medical treatments right away. But not Dr. Jack. He explained to me in simple language what I had and how to take care of it and within a month or so, it was completely healed and no treatments of any kind were resorted to. God knows had I listened to one physician I consulted, I might be hobbling around with a prosthesis from the knee down right now. Again, Dr. Ebner's knowledge has literally been a leg saver for me and I will forever be indebted to him for his assistance.
To Whom It May Concern:
Last Fall a friend of mine suggested that I contact Jack Ebner, a doctor of physiology, as she recommended that he may be able to help me with a host of health problems I've had for many, many years. I can now say that that was one of the best recommendations I've ever been given.
Without exception, I have shown improvements and full recovery from a host of disease conditions that I now know would have otherwise continued to plague me for the rest of my life, conditions that would have gotten worse with chronic provocation and time.
The following is a list of the seemingly miraculous improvements I've been blessed with:
1. No longer constipated or have loose bowels.
2. No longer have aching hips, stiff knees or stiff fingers.
3. My toes have straightened out and my fingers look better.
4. My skin has improved immensely.
5. I have increased energy!
6. I'm a lot less nervous.
7. I'm more relaxed.
8. I can now wear a bikini and look good which I haven't been able to do since giving birth over twenty-one years ago, (I'm 51). I now have my "girlish" figure from my 20's!!!
After putting into practice what Dr. Ebner advocated, I no longer have any aches or pains anywhere in my body and, as a result, I am totally committed to my new found healthful living practices and want to share my experiences with others so that they may benefit as well.
Dr. Ebner has constantly been and continues to be my health support system giving me the knowledge and encouragement to stay healthy and strong and more able to enjoy all the joys that life has to offer. I will be forever grateful.
Julie Hotz Hilo, HI

Dear Reader:
In the Spring of 1993, I did not feel good at all. My energy level was very poor. I had always said that I was destined to see the first year of the 21st Century but I didn't really feel like I was going to make it.
After having gone the orthodox route for many years, I decided that an alternative approach may hold out some hope for me; then, quite by accident, I met Dr. Ebner.
Because what Dr. Ebner had to say made so much sense and was based upon factors totally within my control, I felt he may have the solutions to my problems and thus made the commitment to place myself under his guidance.
That was in June of 1993 and I can honestly say that the results have been remarkable and the improvements and pain relief began on day one.
1. For many years I was plagued by indigestion. I bought Tums by the case. Within one week, I no longer had indigestion and the Tums went into the trash.
2. Over a three month period, I lost a pound every two to three days and went from 202 pounds to 174 and feel absolutely great.
3. The arthritis in my knees has shown great improvement. All the soreness was completely gone within days.
4. The edema in my legs and feet has continued to dissipate.
5. There has been major improvement in my mental health, even my friends have noticed.
6. My skin is no longer dry and flaky and no longer bruises so easily if I bump up against something.
7. I'm enjoying noticeable additional hair growth and of a darker color as it was when I was a younger man.
8. There has been major improvement in my eyesight.
9. I'm no longer on multiple medications including one prescribed for an irregular heartbeat, a condition I no longer have and, of course, I like the money I'm saving.
10. My energy level has greatly improved. I feel more like 50 years of age instead of 75.
Jack, all of the wonderful improvements in my health and well-being are due to your advice and counsel. You have shown me the way to nature's Fountain of Youth. Barring any accidents, I will now see the 21st Century, more than likely, several years of it.
My Most Sincere Thanks,
Gordon Hill Kailua-Kona, HI
Dear Reader:
After eight years of allergies and other painful conditions, trips and costs of doctors' visits, (medical, naturopathic, homeopathic, herbal, acupuncture, chiropractic, etc.), I had the good fortune of meeting Dr. Ebner, a Biophysiologist, through Hospice of Kona. That was a most fortunate turning point for me.
As a result of undergoing health counseling, education and re-education, I have gradually but steadily improved and am presently disease free and healthier than I've even been in my life and I'm in my late 50's.
My journey down the road of health recovery has been slow as I was able or willing to make modifications in deeply ingrained habits and beliefs engendered over a lifetime. For some time I still had certain discomforts but even while having them I was also experiencing improvements in other conditions resulting in having more energy, greater mental clarity and less digestive disturbances. The differences at first, were subtle but they gave me hope and helped me to know I was getting better. I reviewed the educational materials from time to time as this reinforced my commitment to healthier living.
It became crystal clear to me that attempting to drug one's self into health is a sucker's bet, one that I would never make again. Going the drugging or medical route is a farce; suppressing symptoms alone can never yield a lasting result as this approach has nothing whatsoever to do with tissue repair. I am so grateful that my searching for a better way to health is over. Now I just have to simply attend to daily maintenance of my new found health freedom which also means no more trips to the doctors' office or money out of my pocket for services that only benefit those selling them.
My diseased body condition took many years to develop. It is equally true that it has also taken time to undo the ravages as well. I am so very grateful they can be undone at all. There are none who appreciate life more than those who have been to the edge of despair and come back again. I have a brand new life!
1. No longer have allergies or hay fever which I had for eight years of extreme pain.
2. No more sharp shooting nerve pains in my nose which I had for five years.
3. No more sore nose which I had for eight years.
4. No more chronic sneezing.
5. No more itchy eyes.
6. No longer have lumps in my breasts.
7. No more hemorrhoids.
8. No longer have indigestion or stomach aches. My appetite, cravings and overeating have normalized, becoming much less troublesome.
9. I have much more energy and vitality and, as a result, am more prosperous and productive.
10. I have much more mental clarity and joy in living.
11. I sleep so well it is a joy.
12. No more menstrual pain, cramps or discomfort, (previously moderate to bad); flow, previously very heavy, is also lighter.
13. I am friendlier and more social, which is both a result and a cause of feeling better.
All of these wonderful improvements have been achieved without the use of medications, herbal or other remedies, supplements or treatments of any kind. My whole attitude toward life has changed and I feel so very very fortunate and grateful for all that I have learned and become.
L. Williams Kailua-Kona, HI
To Whom It May Concern:
I had a very bad rash and was unable to get rid of it so I went to the doctor and was given a shot of prednisone. That was a big mistake as it got much worse after that shot. The dermatologist couldn't figure out what I had. Not having much confidence in her abilities, I decided to seek help from another doctor. That's when I contacted Dr. Ebner. I had heard of him from others I know who have used his services for problems they were having and were quite satisfied with their results.
He was friendly, helpful and very knowledgeable. Within a matter of a few weeks, my skin condition was almost completely gone.
I can't recommend him enough. Thank you Dr. Jack, for all your help and support.
Yours truly,
Bert Lanes Kailua-Kona, HI
Dear Reader:
My story is a complex one and is of utter importance to anyone who is not well now and desiring their health. As I say, "If you don't have your health, you don't have a life."
I was working in the health care field in 1991 and noticed a decline in my energy level around 1994. Before then, just to give a benchmark, I was actively pursuing health by running five miles a day, water and snow skiing, camping, hiking and gardening. I am also a mother with a daughter born in 1992 and was a very young 29 year old.
My energies started falling month by month, but thought it was just attributed to being busy as a mother, working full-time and trying to have fun on the weekends with my hobbies. I noticed significant pain in my joints and body pain appearing in 1997. It felt like my whole body was one big bruise when I would touch it. Then a full-on pain/fatigue combination that would not let up was constant and unrelenting in 1998. I had to quit my full time job in January 1998. By that time, my life consisted of sleeping in excess of 14 hours a day, maybe getting out of bed to do a load of laundry, sometimes to make a simple meal. Other days were all bedridden and sleeping to the tune of 20 hours a day. My husband would have to do the shopping as my body would not tolerate this activity. Upon rising, if I stepped a foot out of bed, onto the floor, my foot felt like stabbing needles were jabbing into them until "I walked it off." I then bought a hot tub from a "biofeedback physicians's advice" and it helped loosen up my muscles somewhat and could do a little more, but not by much of what I would consider a huge change. My daughter would help my husband with the daily chores of life, all at the ripe age of 5. I would need help to get up and down stairs and felt as if my body was in a 90 year old woman.
I lived day to day with this pain and fatigue and trying to see different doctors, practitioners and health care providers to help me decrease the pain and rid myself of this haranguing, unrelenting fatigue that never uplifted to a tolerable level.
I began a very long road of seeing various practitioners, licensed and unlicensed depending on what they were offering for healing me of these awful symptoms. I went to see chiropractors, massage therapists, acupuncturists, naturopaths, herbalists, physicians and physical therapists with all various benefits; however, they were all short lived.
I did the medication regime for a couple of years and took various kinds for the different symptoms I was having. I can recall being on seven at once for some time. I felt like a zombie the whole entire time as they claimed they would "help" with sleeping more through the night, pain decrease and overall "well being" feelings. I remember swallowing five pills in the morning, three in the afternoon and five again before retiring. This was the farthest description from what they had implied. I felt worse on the medications, depending on what symptom they were treating, whether it was my sleeping, pain, depression, high blood pressure and fatigue. I can recall feeling as if I had left my body and all that was there was someone else, it wasn't even me, the person I wanted back so badly. I'd pay anything to get there. I refused to believe that this was the end of my life and to keep pushing until I found something that would make this bad nightmare of health disappear forever.
I went to a Rheumatologist who recommended that I go to an arthritic support group and learn "how to live" with these diagnoses daily. Since I lived in a rural area, I would drive two hours to get to this one time a week meeting, for two months. I went for hope and understanding, which did help some, however not to what I would call a resolving, positive healing direction. I felt frustrated, discontent as I now went through daily life as labeling myself as having two horrifying and disabling diseases called fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue immunodeficiency syndrome.
I moved from Northern California in July 2000 to Kona, Hawaii. I thought that the weather being humid, tropical and warm would enhance my health and I would feel less pain/fatigue. It was better when I first arrived. I was having fewer bedridden days and less pain; however, as time progressed, about a year, it was coming back full force. If you are familiar with fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue, you know there are good days and bad days and I was having more bad days which are called "flare-ups" or a "flare". I found a physician here to help me with my continuing saga of these diseases and he gave me more medications to calm the symptoms of restless nights, pain and fatigue. Also, another round of physical therapy was prescribed, which helped some, but never TOTALLY diminished my pain. I was filling more and more of my days with hopelessness, depression and despair, rather than with hope, joy and vibrant living.
In November of 2001, I came across Dr. Jack Ebner. He was mentioned to me in a passing conversation one day. I asked about who he was and how on earth could he help me. I was told from my friend that I had to go to him and try as I had tried everything else under the sun to rid myself of my fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue immunodeficiency syndrome.
I saw Dr. Ebner in November 2001, discussed my huge challenges with him and he replied that he could help me. I was surprised, enlightened and more than eager to pursue this new adventure of healing myself. I enjoyed his intelligence, approach, and professionalism towards my health. He took me seriously, without reservation to my history since 1994, and had all the confidence in the world to help me!
It is now October of 2002, I am happy to report that I am now pain and fatigue free! I am starting my life over in many ways that I haven't dreamed of doing since my decline in health in 1994, almost ten years ago. I wake up in the morning without fatigue, continue through my day with no pain or fatigue.
It it wasn't for Dr. Jack Ebner for helping me to help myself by a different lifestyle, reading some books and trying a totally different approach to health care, I would be in the same predicament as I was in November of 2001. Dr. Ebner is honest, has integrity and extended himself over and beyond what was required of his time and efforts for my health.
I recommend Dr. Ebner in ANY HEALTH CONDITION, ANY DIAGNOSIS for his guidance and services. He is, by far, the only one on The Big Island to help you reach your goals for your health, NO MATTER WHAT IT IS!!!
There are no words to type as I sit here to express the deepest gratitude, appreciation and thanks to Dr. Jack for helping me to get my health, family and life back to what it was in 1994!
Tammy Romaguera Kailua-Kona, HI
Dear Reader
In October 2003, I suddenly became very ill. I had a raging fever that would not let up. I was so hot I would think nothing of dressing in summer clothing while outside on below freezing South Dakota snowy winter days. I became listless and had practically no energy. By four in the afternoon, I was ready for bed. I had a stomach disorder for which I was drinking an entire bottle of pepto bismol almost every day. I was also taking four different medications for twenty years. I was taking allegra and nasonex for allergies. The symptoms of the allergies were itchy eyes and throat, sneezing, and a stuffed up nose. For the past two years, I had to use a cortisone inhaler because my wheezing and breathing were so unmanageable. I was also taking approximately 800 milligrams of ibuprofen a day for back pain and headaches. Not only was I not getting better, I was getting worse!
It was at that point that I decided to contact Dr. Ebner. I had met Dr. Ebner a number of years ago in an aerobics class we were both taking and I always remembered what he said - that it was education that people needed, not treatments or medications. Well, as I became more aware of how to correctly interpret symptoms and began to apply my new found knowledge to my daily routine, my symptoms began to abate. Not only did my energy gradually return, it's about double what it use to be. I feel like I'm twenty again and I'm forty-one. I'm off of all the above medications as well as the pepto bismol. My body temperature is normal. I'm happier and healthier than I have been in years.
All I can say is if it weren't for Dr. Ebner's advice, counsel and support, I would no doubtedly be worse off today than I was last October. Dr. Ebner has saved me from a demise from which I may not have recovered and this turnaround in my health took place without treatments or medications of any kind.
Thanks so much to Dr. Ebner.
Nancy Palmer
South Dakota
Dear Reader
I am a Japanese-American woman in my sixties, born and raised in Hawaii.
For at least five years, I have had a host of health problems including right eye twitching, high cholesterol, breast cancer, bladder infections, yeast infections, vaginal itching, hair loss, tinnitus, runny/itchy nose, coughing fits, painful intercourse and general aches and pains.
In addition to having lumpectomy surgery for breast cancer, I have tried massage, chiropractic and acupuncture to try to cure my other health problems. I also tried kyolic, airborne, echinacea, golden seal, progesterone cream, meta greens and essential oils. Nothing worked.
I noticed there was a free health lecture given in Holualoa one evening, not too far from me and I, along with my mother, decided to attend. I found this lecture by a Dr. Jack Ebner to be most interesting and after much thought, contacted Dr. Ebner and scheduled a free initial consultation.
A friend of mine who was also having health problems met me at the doctor's office and we attended this session together. This session was most enlightening and we both subsequently signed up for health counseling.
I am not going to tell you that all of the above problems cleared up overnight but I am going to tell you that, over time, each and every one of these problems have, in fact, cleared up including the eye twitching; however, the eye will twitch if I am especially tired which is my built-in indicator that I need to rest and sleep and then I'm fine. The following is a list of all the various improvements in my health that I've experienced since being put on the right path by Doctor Ebner:
1. Improved mental clarity
2. Improved energy level
3. Effortless weight loss and maintenance of my ideal weight
4. No more tender and lumpy breasts
5. No more vaginal excretions
6. No more yeast infections
7. No more bladder infections
8. No more overactive bladder
9. No more mood swings. I am upbeat and happy and joyful almost all of the time.
10. No more stinky body odor; I do not use deodorants or antiperspirants nor does my husband.
11. No more itchy scalp; no dandruff
12. Heightened sense of smell
13. No longer take medications or supplements of any kind
14. Perfect blood pressure
15. Perfect cholesterol level
16. No more soft lump on the arch of my left foot - gone!
17. No more scar tissue lump on the inside of my left thigh - gone!
18. The skin on the sides and bottoms of my feet use to be leathery - now softer and smoother.
And how, pray tell, did all these miraculous improvements happen?
Well, first of all, I will tell you that there were no substances involved. What I learned was it was what I was doing and not doing that was causing all these problems. So it was a matter of making some lifestyle modifications, being patient and allowing my body to repair itself unimpeded.
I feel confident that if you are accepted as a patient of Dr. Ebner's, you're in for a real treat - a common sense approach to health care where you are in control of your own health destiny. I can't tell you how happy I am that I attended that lecture and subsequently became a patient of Dr. Ebner's. My life has improved way beyond my greatest expectations. Many mahalos to the kind doctor.
A Most Grateful Lady
Captain Cook, Hawaii
To Whom May Be Interested,
I still have both my breasts! That may sound bizarre but if it weren't for Dr. Ebner, I may have gone through with having my right breast or both breasts surgically amputated as recommended by my oncologist.
In late 2008, at the age of sixty, I was diagnosed with cancer in my right breast. My sister died of breast cancer so you can imagine how fearfully stressed out I was feeling. This was the most serious health problem I had ever had. Up until this, the worse diseases I had ever had were infrequent colds and flus, sore throats, coughs, headaches, earaches, bladder infections, hip and shoulder stiffness, and, of course, all the typical childhood diseases - mumps, measles, chicken pox.
Besides the medical recommendations made by my oncologist, I wondered how I could be more pro-active in improving my own health. I began a mission of discovery and read many books and articles that dealt with lifestyle improvements to manage breast cancer. At the time I was diagnosed, I weighed approximately 154 pounds and even though I'm relatively tall, I knew I was heavier than I should be so I began making lifestyle changes. I lost close to twenty pounds and was down to 137 pounds when, one afternoon, I overhead a conversation my massage therapist was having with a gentleman. Well, my ears must have perked up like a hound's as they were talking about nutritional approaches to reversing disease. I found out how I could get in touch with this gentleman as my curiosity was heightened. I didn't know it at that time but that was a major positive turning point in my quest to overcome breast cancer and beyond.
I called and made an appointment with Dr. Ebner. He explained to me what cancer is, what causes it and that under the right circumstances, if healthful measures are implemented in time, this particular pathology can be completely mitigated. His approach was strictly educational which was exactly what I was looking for as that was the road I chose to travel and if that direction didn't lead me to a more conservative solution I would then consider the more radical medical approach as my only hope of overcoming this deadly disease.
That was over a year ago and I can confidently say that I feel terrific, physically, mentally and spiritually. I have made changes in the way I live and in the way I think and it's all because of Dr. Ebner's tutelage and guidance. I learned how our bodies work and what their most salient needs are and more importantly, to have more confidence in my body's inherent ability to heal itself, which it has. I also learned what really goes on behind the scenes in the medical halls of power and in hospitals, things that the public isn't suppose to know and this new found knowledge was all made available vis a vis a highly credentialed MD who was the director of a large hospital in a major metropolitan area.
If it weren't for overhearing that conversation and the subsequent counseling of Dr. Ebner, I would have probably gone through with the breast surgery and be walking around with one breast, no breasts or worse. That would have been devastating to me. I am grateful beyond words. Dr. Ebner has been a blessing in my life.
Andrea L.
Holualoa, Hawaii
In 2011, I had a stent surgically implanted in one of my major heart arteries. I had high blood pressure as did my wife. We were both put on high blood pressure meds as well as an aspirin regimen and it was mandatory that I take Plavix so the stent wouldn't clog up. Additionally, we were taking enough supplements to choke a horse. Needless to say, my health and my wife's was poor. Having had stent surgery, my fear of dying was very high as 10,000 people a year die in the United States of complications from stent surgery.
In June 2011, I was referred to Dr. Ebner. I was told he was a very knowledgeable doctor who could possibly provide real substantive help so I called. My wife and I met with Dr. Ebner and, after having a complimentary consultation, we decided to make Dr. Ebner an integral part of our healthcare team.
Dr. Ebner is neither a medical doctor nor does he offer any treatments, alternative or otherwise. His approach was based on lifestyle adjustments through education and corrected symptom interpretation. Of course my first thought was how could he help us if he didn't treat us. He said that that would become totally apparent as we got into the educational process - that his approach would put us in total control of our own well being, a much different approach than the standard "treatment" paradigm offered by all other practitioners.
As Diana and I began to make adjustments to our lifestyles, the education began to pay off. What happened was nothing less than miraculous. All our blood work began to improve and every three months when we were re-tested by our physician, the numbers got even better. Our medical doctor was astonished and asked what we were doing to get these kinds of results. Eventually, we were both able to discontinue the blood pressure meds as well as the aspirin regimen and I no longer needed to take Plavix - we are now completely medication free. We also dramatically cut back on all the supplements and eventually quit them altogether. The money we no longer have to spend has more than paid for Dr. Ebner's counseling fees; in fact, we are way ahead money-wise. At one point in the health recovery process, I developed a skin ulceration about the size of a silver dollar above my ankle. Ordinarily this would have scared the hell out of me and I would have immediately contacted the physician or dialed 911. Instead I called Dr. Ebner and he immediately put my mind at ease, this process ran its course, the skin healed and you can't even tell it ever even happened. Lord knows what the medical "solution" would have been for this, antibiotics for sure. I shiver to think...perhaps even amputation.
This note is not about explaining to you how we got better but rather to show you the terrific results we've experienced. The "how to" and the "what we did" is where the educational process is absolutely imperative and could in no way be addressed in such a short simple letter. That's where you would need to contact Dr. Jack, as he prefers to be called, and get yourself on the path to rebuilding your health. We were both suffering from a lack of knowledge, the proper knowledge that is. It was a gift from God that we connected with such a knowledgeable and wise man. If you're having health problems and nothing seems to provide a long term solution, do yourself one of the best favors you could ever make in your life and contact this doctor now! An initial consultation costs you nothing but could pay off handsomely if you decide to become a student-patient.
Thank you Dr. Ebner from the bottom of our healthier hearts!
Best regards and best of health!
Mike and Diana Ekas
The above people found REAL HEALTHCARE after countless years of suffering from chronic aches and pains, i.e. dis eases or lack of eases. And you know what, I'd like to have the honor of adding your story above. All you have to do is get in touch, learn the real truth that we are doing it to ourselves, that you've never caught anything from anybody and never will. The reason it looks like "something is going around" is that everybody is essentially making the same mistakes. Rockefeller medical science promotes the false concept of contagion and promotes it via fake dis eases such covid, AIDS, pneumonia, hepatitis, influenza and so forth. Oh yeah people do experience symptoms of dis ease but as I've already explained to you these symptoms are made necessary from excessive toxemia or toxins due to the several forms of stress which we've already gone over. So you may be thinking, there's no way I'm correct. "Of course we catch duhzeezez." Well given that what you're reading may be your first foray into questioning the validity of this concept, it's fair that you would doubt me. And that's where committing to taking the best Health Course ever assembled comes into play. After all, I didn't believe the guy whose lecture reflected the same concept 30 years ago. That's why I have done 40,000 hours of the highest quality research and reading possible and spent surely several thousands of dollars on educational materials but you don't need to do that. Invest $1200 in the same course I invested $1200 for 30 years ago, plus you'll have me to answer your questions as they arise and the odds are real high you'll be able to correct your thinking and put all of your dis eases behind you for the rest of your life, fair enough? So are you up to the task of being medically deprogrammed and living pain free and probably much longer? Or would you rather stay medically spellbound, keep suppressing symptoms with poisonous chemicals including all the alternative practitioners' chemical treatments as well as other symptom suppressing modalities and not reach your natural life expectancy potential - The American Death Ceremony as it were? Allow me the honor of breaking the medical spell and freeing you both physically and mentally from this life long medical trance from which we've all been victimized. It's just that some of us have broken that spell through education and we'd like to add you to our family of healthy, mentally free people so together, we can turn this massive globalist scam to depopulate the world and dominate us all through electronic data passports and chipping that will track your every move and either approve or disapprove of your every decision. If you choose to turn over a very new leaf for yourself, YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED. YOU WILL KNOW THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE! Leave the ignorance and superstitious Medical Dark Ages behind!
For more information, call, text or email to set up an initial consultation and say 'goodbye' to chronic health problems and the never ending expensive treatments and trips to "doctors" offices and pharmacies...
(808) 937-1649
[email protected]
(808) 937-1649
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