WARNING: You should know that all of the following information is based on Mother Nature's rules, not mine, not pharmaceutical / medicine schools or any other schools that teach their students to treat symptoms. The school that I went to over 30 years ago and have been a student of ever since, teaches its students to remove the causes of symptoms because symptoms are effects. In order to no longer have effects, it's imperative that one has to remove the causes. I'm just reporting what I've learned from Mother Nature. So if you find yourself a bit miffed with the following, you'll have to take it up with Mother Nature not me. It's HER message. Don't shoot me; I'm just the messenger.
And thank you for taking the time to read something that's a bit different than perhaps how you're use to thinking when it comes to dealing with symptoms.
This is as close to the mythological FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH that you're ever going to get - a life of potentially no illnesses - so this is well worth 20 minutes of your time to read what I have to say IF you're interested in living disease free; or, if you've already been experiencing compromised health, corrective nutrition will provide you the greatest probability of improving your health. It all depends upon how compromised your health currently is as far as what your potential is to regain a higher level of health and well being. There's only one way to find out and that's where the right education comes in because health is ONLY produced by healthful living.
What a concept right?
Living in such a way as to not cause excessive toxemia which, in turn, necessitates your body to initiate extraordinary purging processes. You know, what medical science calls 'colds', 'flu', 'pneumonia', all inflammatory processes, all skin anomalies, infections and on and on but what are they really? They are symptoms of a body, under autonomic nervous system brain control, purging in order to bring itself back into homeostasis or balance. But what does the medically entranced consumer do? You tell yourself that "something's wrong" that maybe you "caught" something or got bit or a genetic defect kicked in or the "best one yet", your body is attacking itself. In any event, it's all about fear driven medical programming getting you to "see your doctor". We think this way because we have been medically programmed over a lifetime to think this way. We are taught to believe anything but the truth which is that unwitting mistakes in living have caused the organism to become overly saturated with endogenous and exogenous toxins / waste matter and the symptoms are the body attempting to detoxify so you don't die from excessive toxemia. But since everybody has been medically trained to suppress these CORRECTIVE ACTION processes, your acute symptoms go on to become chronic and again with more symptom suppressing treatments, chronic goes on to becoming degenerative as in heart failure, cancer, brain degeneration or some other complete vital organ failure resulting in premature death. This is what everybody's doing because everybody's gotten a free medical education. What a great business model. They give you drugs that suppress symptoms, you get worse, take even more drugs and maybe you need surgery to remove tumors or your gall bladder or prostate gland or whatever and cha-ching cha-ching, goes the cash register. You don't really think the pharmaceutical company controlled medical schools would teach their future drug sales force / symptom treaters to provide you with information that would keep you healthy by REMOVING THE CAUSES OF SYMPTOMS and thus have no need for symptom suppressing medications or surgeries do you? Surely you can't be serious...
And if you think the person or people you call 'doctor' are any less clueless, think again. They are even more indoctrinated than the general public because they have been immersed in the medical education/indoctrination system for six or more years. If you choose to become one of my students, you will learn about specific doctors who have extracted themselves from the medical system, voluntarily turned in their licenses and learned to work with the body instead of assaulting it with "medicines" because they have a conscience. "Side effects"? Really? Why don't they call side effects and adverse reactions what they really are - poisoning effects. The answer to that is pretty obvious. If only the world had listened to Florence NIghtingale two hundred years ago when she was saving more soldiers during the Crimean War from the "doctors" than were dying in combat. She said, "Diseases are not things like cats or dogs but rather conditions like clean or dirty." She totally nailed it. So here's the path that just about everybody on earth is taking including you because there's only one school of health and you haven't found it yet but never fear, as you're about to.
It's called The American Death Ceremony and it goes something like this:
The death ceremony started as a crude ritual back in the days of witchcraft. In recent years it has been developed into a "science". It usually takes from 10 to 15 years; however, modern medical scientific advancements are shortening this period of time.
It starts with one simple aspirin for a simple headache. When the one aspirin will no longer suppress your headache, take two. After a few months, when two aspirin will no longer suppress your headache, you take one of the stronger compounds. By this time, it becomes necessary to take something for the ulcers that have been caused by the aspirin. Now that you are taking two medications, you have a good start. After a few months these medications will disrupt your kidney and liver function. As you continue to misplace your trust, you will probably be prescribed antibiotics such as penicillin. Of course the penicillin will damage your red blood corpuscles and spleen so that you develop anemia; but not to worry, another medication is then prescribed to cover up the anemia. By this time all of these medications will put such a strain on your kidneys they should break down. With what little health you still have remaining, you can expect a general flair-up of other pathologies - cardiovascular, cancer, diabetes, allergies, breathing impairment, constipation, vision loss, hearing loss, loss of mental acuity, arthritis, insomnia, hemorrhoids, skin lesions and on and on. The next step is to cover up all of these symptoms with sulfa drugs. When the kidneys finally plug up, you can have them drained and go on weekly or daily dialysis.
By now the medications will have caused so much systemic poisoning that you won't be long for the world. If you have followed every step as directed, you can now make an appointment with your undertaker because statistically, the two most common forms of degenerative disease and death, at least in advanced societies is cancer and cardio-vascular disease, and, of course, the concomitant medical treatments that go with them.
This deadly game is played by practically all Americans, except for the few ignorant souls who follow nature.
Well, as you've heard many times, STRESS. But did you know that there are 5 different types of stress? Yes there are and they are Chemical, Physical, Emotional, Electrical as well as Radiation Exposure. So you might be thinking, how does stress directly affect one's health level, what is the mechanism by which stress makes dis eases necessary? Very good question and the answer will require that we go a little deeper into understanding how human physiology actually works. First you have to know what the two forms of energy the body runs on are. Do you know? Give up? They are glucose from a specific group of whole foods and electricity from rest and sleep. Almost nobody gets this right and that's because there's only one school in the entire world that teaches real healthcare where people get better and stay better and all without expensive treatments that have you going back to the practitioner weekly or monthly when the symptom suppressing treatments wear off. What happens when your body is cumulatively stressed out and thus nerve energy is depleted is you become ENERVATED. That's a fancy word that means you're low on energy or electricity, which can actually be measured in millivolts of electricity. Yes, we are electro-chemical beings as are all life forms. So when you're enervated, i.e. low on electricity, your metabolism becomes sluggish and the metabolic waste we generate 24/7 as well as stuff we consume that's toxic, accumulates and saturates all 100 trillion or so cells of which we are composed and that's why you feel like, well like crap. Your brain/battery and nervous system needs recharging! It's just that simple. But what do most people do when they are experiencing an energy lull? They reach for the stimulants! But the illusion there is that what goes up, must come down so the long term net effect is even less energy.
Sorry if you were looking for some sexy bells and whistles explanation. Mother Nature is pretty much no frills no nonsense and if you play by her rules, you never "get sick", you won't degenerate like almost everybody is doing and life is a whole lot better when you're really healthy. Just think, all those trips to the doctor you and your kids won't be making! You can use that time and money for something a lot more productive like just about anything else!
So here's how the whole toxemia - disease thing plays out over the long term:
In case you're confused, what I'm saying here is that symptoms, which ARE the cure, are caused by excessively retained toxins that your body attempts to excrete through extra ordinary elimination processes that medical science calls colds, flu, fever, covid, pneumonia, all the itises, inflammations, skin anomalies, blood-letting and so forth that they say we catch but we don't catch anything. You no more catch these forms of elimination than you do defecation or urination. These symptoms of elimination are RIGHT ACTION made necessary due to errors in living that we are unaware of since real health information is hard to find and is not taught in any of the schools of disease treatment cause treating/suppressing symptoms, that's where the money's at. It's really no different than the concept of climate change where what that concept is proposing is that the climate is changing due to man's polluting the earth. And while climates are always changing, it's probable that man's waste by-products is indeed a contributing factor in affecting the earth eco system. The point is that that's EXACTLY what disrupts our internal environment and makes extraordinary symptoms of elimination or what I call OUTfections, necessary. So are there really separate dis eases? No, not really. That's medspeak. What there is is that toxemia affects different people differently depending on where they may have constitutional weaknesses, that's where they will notice lack of eases most readily which could be weakened tissue from physical injuries, scarring, anomalies in the germ plasm, etc. No matter how you slice it, toxemia is toxemia and that's what causes all those aches and pains and icky feelings people have and medicate to suppress. So removing the causes is obviously the sane approach to whatever you may be experiencing. So my job is to teach how to do just that like I've taught thousands of others so that your health destiny is now in YOUR hands and not some "healthcare provider" cause healthcare is mostly selfcare. Good news huh! You will have control over your own well-being and probably save a ton of money on treatments and stuff you no longer need or want. You will no longer be living in The Dark Ages, i.e. believing that you catch duhzeezez and thus medical scientific propaganda will no longer be a controlling factor in your thinking and life.
The following is the natural progression of dis ease due to toxemia if the CAUSES are not eliminated.
In order to fully understand the all-importance of the restoration of high Nerve Energy in our lives, let us examine what happens when we drain - rather than restore - Nerve Energy. Now you finally have real choice about your personal and family's health destiny. That's great news!
The below information came from Dr. John H. Tilden, MD who wrote "Toxemia Explained" almost a hundred years ago. He had studied the works of pioneering physicians in the 1800s who realized that drugs did more harm than good and they went drugless and so did Dr. Tilden. He used drugs in his medical practice for 25 years and went drugless for the next 25 years after he realized that dis eases were caused by errors in living and not by micro organisms. Of course the vast majority of physicians did not adopt this correct approach to healthcare because it would mean they would have very little to sell and their incomes would be greatly diminished and thus medical science has become the juggernaut that it is today. Or as one of my other mentors was wont to say. 'The cures will come and the cures will go but the curing goes on forever."
STAGE ONE IS ENERVATION - Nerve Energy is so reduced or exhausted that all normal bodily functions are greatly impaired, especially the elimination of endogenous and exogenous poisons. Stage One thus begins the progressive and chronic process of "Toxemia Toleration' that continues through all of the following stages. The Toxic Sufferer does not feel his "normal self." He feels either stimulated or depressed by the poisonous overload.
STAGE TWO IS TOXEMIA - Nerve Energy is too low to eliminate metabolic wastes and ingested poisons. These toxic substances begin to saturate first the bloodstream and lymphatic fluids and then the cells themselves. The Toxic Sufferer feels inordinately tired, run-down, and "out of it".
STAGE THREE IS IRRITATION - Toxic build-up within the blood and lymph and tissues continues. The cells/tissues where build-up occurs are irritated by the toxic nature of the waste, resulting in a low-grade inflammation. The Toxic Sufferer can feel exhausted, queasy, irritable, itchy - even irrational and hostile. During these first 3 stages, if The Toxic Sufferer does consult a medical doctor about the reason for his low energy irritability, the physician tells him: "There's nothing wrong with you. These symptoms are 'all in your head'. You are perfectly healthy!"
STAGE FOUR IS INFLAMMATION: The low-grade, chronic inflammation from Stage Three is leading to the death of cells. An area or organ where toxicants have amassed next become fully inflamed. The Toxic Sufferer experiences actual pain, along with pathological symptoms at this point. With the appearance of these symptoms, the medical physician can finally give The Sufferer's complaint a label. Traditionally, medical scientists have named many of the 20,000 distinctly different diseases after the site where the toxins have accumulated and precipitated their symptoms. Once the set of symptoms is conveniently named, the physician can mechanically prescribe the "antidote" from his Physician's Desk Reference or from his memorized medical/pharmaceutical repertoire. Standard allopathic medical physicians thus commence drugging and treating at this stage.
STAGE FIVE IS ULCERATION: Tissues are destroyed. The body ulcerates, forming an outlet for the poisonous build-up. The Toxic Sufferer experiences a multiplication and worsening of symptoms while the pain intensifies. Standard medical physicians typically continue drugging and often commence with surgery and other forms of more radical and questionable treatment at this stage.
STAGE SIX IS INDURATION: Induration is the result of long-standing, chronic inflammation with bouts of acute inflammation interspersed. The chronic inflammation causes an impairment or sluggishness of circulation and because some cells succumb, they are replaced with scar tissue. This is the way we lose good, normal functioning cells - by chronic inflammation and death of cells. Toxins may or may not be encapsulated in a tumor, sac, wen, or polyp. The Toxic Sufferer endures even more physical pain, with is intensified by the emotional distress of realizing that he is only getting worse, regardless of this earnest, obedient, even heroic attempts to get well. Standard medical physicians continue with both drugging and surgery and all other kinds of modalities deemed appropriate , both conventional and experimental. ("Induration" means "hardening" or "scarring" of tissues.)
STAGE SEVEN IS IRREVERSIBLE DEGENERATION AND/OR FUNGATION (CANCER): Cellular integrity is destroyed through their disorganization and/or cancerous proliferation. Tissues, organs and whole systems lose their ability to function normally. Biochemical and morphological changes from the depositing of Endogenous and Exogenous Toxins bring about degenerations and death at the cellular level. The Toxic Sufferer is "a pathological mess". He is on his deathbed. Standard medical practitioners declare at this stage: "There is no hope left. You have just so much longer to live. You need to take preparations accordingly." Failure of vital organs eventually results in death.
If you're wondering why this, the real causes of dis ease or symptoms are not taught in medical schools, the answer is simple. Medical science is mostly not real science. It's mostly based on Rockefeller science which is based on making money, lots of it! There's not much money to be made in properly guiding people back to higher states of health where they wouldn't need or want most medical treatments since they are healthy and know how to maintain their higher levels of health. The exceptions would be when it comes to trauma care - accidents, injuries, emergencies, birth defects and some corrective surgeries. So there are some areas where you may need a properly trained physician. I've had two physical accidents in the last 20 years and of course I went to an orthopedist. And I have regular dental cleanings and check-ups because it's not about who's right it's about what's right given one's needs right. So I am not anti-medical. It's just that medical school students are deliberately mistrained since most health issues are due to malnutrition and medical school students have no training in nutritional science. That's the problem. They are trained to sell drugs which financially enhances the pharmaceutical companies who control their education. That's great for them but not for you!
So in the next section, you can read some testimonial letters from those with whom I've had the honor of assisting in achieving higher states of health...
Bear in mind that none of these clients underwent any kind of treatments. Instead, They were TAUGHT how to increase mind over matter healing potential but not the conscious mind; rather, the Autonomic Nervous System part of the brain that makes ALL THE INTERNAL DECISIONS for your life. Nothing woo-woo here. This is based on the immutable natural physiological laws that govern what we are in nature. It works the same in every human being. No magic potions, remedies or cures, just the real deal - healing from dis ease. Nature has rules and when followed, she performs beautifully for a long time. Dis ease becomes optional not a necessity. All it takes is a desire to be healthier and some basic learning skills which you already have. Or, one can choose to stay in their medical trance, keep palliating symptoms with all the false promises out there, medical and alternative alike, and your time will come when you'll be on the O.R. table, spliced open from stem to stern when in fact, your health problems are due to malnutrition and aren't medical problems at all. I told my uncle not to go under the knife for cardio vascular degeneration for the third time. He died on the table as did my other uncle from cancer. Both were filthy rich but all the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put Humpy Dumpty back together again. Oh well....
So if diseases are due to excessive toxemia and all drugs are toxic isn't that like pouring gasoline on a fire to put it out. Exactly! So then all the people dying with so called covid or any other pathology are actually dying from having a compromised body AND the medical treatments1 ~ Yep, you got it!!!! That's why Dr. Tilden went drugless. Oh, and by the way, anything that stops acute and chronic symptoms is the worst thing you can do to yourself. As I've explained above, they ARE the cure! That would include all so called medicines, the taking of herbs, supplements, so called essential oils, the use of "healing" machines, acupuncture, deep massage, chiropractic adjustments, homeopathic and naturopathic "remedies", light "therapy", sound "therapy" ad nauseum. So if you want to continue to use your body as a really bad high school science experiment, have at it, but if you want to do the intelligent thing, to LEARN how to remove the CAUSES of your dis eases, Mother Nature absolutely provides a way to do that and that's what I can offer you - real, genuine, lasting dis ease free living where you are in control of your own healthcare. If that sounds good to you, you know how to reach me. . .
And thank you for taking the time to read something that's a bit different than perhaps how you're use to thinking when it comes to dealing with symptoms.
This is as close to the mythological FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH that you're ever going to get - a life of potentially no illnesses - so this is well worth 20 minutes of your time to read what I have to say IF you're interested in living disease free; or, if you've already been experiencing compromised health, corrective nutrition will provide you the greatest probability of improving your health. It all depends upon how compromised your health currently is as far as what your potential is to regain a higher level of health and well being. There's only one way to find out and that's where the right education comes in because health is ONLY produced by healthful living.
What a concept right?
Living in such a way as to not cause excessive toxemia which, in turn, necessitates your body to initiate extraordinary purging processes. You know, what medical science calls 'colds', 'flu', 'pneumonia', all inflammatory processes, all skin anomalies, infections and on and on but what are they really? They are symptoms of a body, under autonomic nervous system brain control, purging in order to bring itself back into homeostasis or balance. But what does the medically entranced consumer do? You tell yourself that "something's wrong" that maybe you "caught" something or got bit or a genetic defect kicked in or the "best one yet", your body is attacking itself. In any event, it's all about fear driven medical programming getting you to "see your doctor". We think this way because we have been medically programmed over a lifetime to think this way. We are taught to believe anything but the truth which is that unwitting mistakes in living have caused the organism to become overly saturated with endogenous and exogenous toxins / waste matter and the symptoms are the body attempting to detoxify so you don't die from excessive toxemia. But since everybody has been medically trained to suppress these CORRECTIVE ACTION processes, your acute symptoms go on to become chronic and again with more symptom suppressing treatments, chronic goes on to becoming degenerative as in heart failure, cancer, brain degeneration or some other complete vital organ failure resulting in premature death. This is what everybody's doing because everybody's gotten a free medical education. What a great business model. They give you drugs that suppress symptoms, you get worse, take even more drugs and maybe you need surgery to remove tumors or your gall bladder or prostate gland or whatever and cha-ching cha-ching, goes the cash register. You don't really think the pharmaceutical company controlled medical schools would teach their future drug sales force / symptom treaters to provide you with information that would keep you healthy by REMOVING THE CAUSES OF SYMPTOMS and thus have no need for symptom suppressing medications or surgeries do you? Surely you can't be serious...
And if you think the person or people you call 'doctor' are any less clueless, think again. They are even more indoctrinated than the general public because they have been immersed in the medical education/indoctrination system for six or more years. If you choose to become one of my students, you will learn about specific doctors who have extracted themselves from the medical system, voluntarily turned in their licenses and learned to work with the body instead of assaulting it with "medicines" because they have a conscience. "Side effects"? Really? Why don't they call side effects and adverse reactions what they really are - poisoning effects. The answer to that is pretty obvious. If only the world had listened to Florence NIghtingale two hundred years ago when she was saving more soldiers during the Crimean War from the "doctors" than were dying in combat. She said, "Diseases are not things like cats or dogs but rather conditions like clean or dirty." She totally nailed it. So here's the path that just about everybody on earth is taking including you because there's only one school of health and you haven't found it yet but never fear, as you're about to.
It's called The American Death Ceremony and it goes something like this:
The death ceremony started as a crude ritual back in the days of witchcraft. In recent years it has been developed into a "science". It usually takes from 10 to 15 years; however, modern medical scientific advancements are shortening this period of time.
It starts with one simple aspirin for a simple headache. When the one aspirin will no longer suppress your headache, take two. After a few months, when two aspirin will no longer suppress your headache, you take one of the stronger compounds. By this time, it becomes necessary to take something for the ulcers that have been caused by the aspirin. Now that you are taking two medications, you have a good start. After a few months these medications will disrupt your kidney and liver function. As you continue to misplace your trust, you will probably be prescribed antibiotics such as penicillin. Of course the penicillin will damage your red blood corpuscles and spleen so that you develop anemia; but not to worry, another medication is then prescribed to cover up the anemia. By this time all of these medications will put such a strain on your kidneys they should break down. With what little health you still have remaining, you can expect a general flair-up of other pathologies - cardiovascular, cancer, diabetes, allergies, breathing impairment, constipation, vision loss, hearing loss, loss of mental acuity, arthritis, insomnia, hemorrhoids, skin lesions and on and on. The next step is to cover up all of these symptoms with sulfa drugs. When the kidneys finally plug up, you can have them drained and go on weekly or daily dialysis.
By now the medications will have caused so much systemic poisoning that you won't be long for the world. If you have followed every step as directed, you can now make an appointment with your undertaker because statistically, the two most common forms of degenerative disease and death, at least in advanced societies is cancer and cardio-vascular disease, and, of course, the concomitant medical treatments that go with them.
This deadly game is played by practically all Americans, except for the few ignorant souls who follow nature.
Well, as you've heard many times, STRESS. But did you know that there are 5 different types of stress? Yes there are and they are Chemical, Physical, Emotional, Electrical as well as Radiation Exposure. So you might be thinking, how does stress directly affect one's health level, what is the mechanism by which stress makes dis eases necessary? Very good question and the answer will require that we go a little deeper into understanding how human physiology actually works. First you have to know what the two forms of energy the body runs on are. Do you know? Give up? They are glucose from a specific group of whole foods and electricity from rest and sleep. Almost nobody gets this right and that's because there's only one school in the entire world that teaches real healthcare where people get better and stay better and all without expensive treatments that have you going back to the practitioner weekly or monthly when the symptom suppressing treatments wear off. What happens when your body is cumulatively stressed out and thus nerve energy is depleted is you become ENERVATED. That's a fancy word that means you're low on energy or electricity, which can actually be measured in millivolts of electricity. Yes, we are electro-chemical beings as are all life forms. So when you're enervated, i.e. low on electricity, your metabolism becomes sluggish and the metabolic waste we generate 24/7 as well as stuff we consume that's toxic, accumulates and saturates all 100 trillion or so cells of which we are composed and that's why you feel like, well like crap. Your brain/battery and nervous system needs recharging! It's just that simple. But what do most people do when they are experiencing an energy lull? They reach for the stimulants! But the illusion there is that what goes up, must come down so the long term net effect is even less energy.
Sorry if you were looking for some sexy bells and whistles explanation. Mother Nature is pretty much no frills no nonsense and if you play by her rules, you never "get sick", you won't degenerate like almost everybody is doing and life is a whole lot better when you're really healthy. Just think, all those trips to the doctor you and your kids won't be making! You can use that time and money for something a lot more productive like just about anything else!
So here's how the whole toxemia - disease thing plays out over the long term:
In case you're confused, what I'm saying here is that symptoms, which ARE the cure, are caused by excessively retained toxins that your body attempts to excrete through extra ordinary elimination processes that medical science calls colds, flu, fever, covid, pneumonia, all the itises, inflammations, skin anomalies, blood-letting and so forth that they say we catch but we don't catch anything. You no more catch these forms of elimination than you do defecation or urination. These symptoms of elimination are RIGHT ACTION made necessary due to errors in living that we are unaware of since real health information is hard to find and is not taught in any of the schools of disease treatment cause treating/suppressing symptoms, that's where the money's at. It's really no different than the concept of climate change where what that concept is proposing is that the climate is changing due to man's polluting the earth. And while climates are always changing, it's probable that man's waste by-products is indeed a contributing factor in affecting the earth eco system. The point is that that's EXACTLY what disrupts our internal environment and makes extraordinary symptoms of elimination or what I call OUTfections, necessary. So are there really separate dis eases? No, not really. That's medspeak. What there is is that toxemia affects different people differently depending on where they may have constitutional weaknesses, that's where they will notice lack of eases most readily which could be weakened tissue from physical injuries, scarring, anomalies in the germ plasm, etc. No matter how you slice it, toxemia is toxemia and that's what causes all those aches and pains and icky feelings people have and medicate to suppress. So removing the causes is obviously the sane approach to whatever you may be experiencing. So my job is to teach how to do just that like I've taught thousands of others so that your health destiny is now in YOUR hands and not some "healthcare provider" cause healthcare is mostly selfcare. Good news huh! You will have control over your own well-being and probably save a ton of money on treatments and stuff you no longer need or want. You will no longer be living in The Dark Ages, i.e. believing that you catch duhzeezez and thus medical scientific propaganda will no longer be a controlling factor in your thinking and life.
The following is the natural progression of dis ease due to toxemia if the CAUSES are not eliminated.
In order to fully understand the all-importance of the restoration of high Nerve Energy in our lives, let us examine what happens when we drain - rather than restore - Nerve Energy. Now you finally have real choice about your personal and family's health destiny. That's great news!
The below information came from Dr. John H. Tilden, MD who wrote "Toxemia Explained" almost a hundred years ago. He had studied the works of pioneering physicians in the 1800s who realized that drugs did more harm than good and they went drugless and so did Dr. Tilden. He used drugs in his medical practice for 25 years and went drugless for the next 25 years after he realized that dis eases were caused by errors in living and not by micro organisms. Of course the vast majority of physicians did not adopt this correct approach to healthcare because it would mean they would have very little to sell and their incomes would be greatly diminished and thus medical science has become the juggernaut that it is today. Or as one of my other mentors was wont to say. 'The cures will come and the cures will go but the curing goes on forever."
STAGE ONE IS ENERVATION - Nerve Energy is so reduced or exhausted that all normal bodily functions are greatly impaired, especially the elimination of endogenous and exogenous poisons. Stage One thus begins the progressive and chronic process of "Toxemia Toleration' that continues through all of the following stages. The Toxic Sufferer does not feel his "normal self." He feels either stimulated or depressed by the poisonous overload.
STAGE TWO IS TOXEMIA - Nerve Energy is too low to eliminate metabolic wastes and ingested poisons. These toxic substances begin to saturate first the bloodstream and lymphatic fluids and then the cells themselves. The Toxic Sufferer feels inordinately tired, run-down, and "out of it".
STAGE THREE IS IRRITATION - Toxic build-up within the blood and lymph and tissues continues. The cells/tissues where build-up occurs are irritated by the toxic nature of the waste, resulting in a low-grade inflammation. The Toxic Sufferer can feel exhausted, queasy, irritable, itchy - even irrational and hostile. During these first 3 stages, if The Toxic Sufferer does consult a medical doctor about the reason for his low energy irritability, the physician tells him: "There's nothing wrong with you. These symptoms are 'all in your head'. You are perfectly healthy!"
STAGE FOUR IS INFLAMMATION: The low-grade, chronic inflammation from Stage Three is leading to the death of cells. An area or organ where toxicants have amassed next become fully inflamed. The Toxic Sufferer experiences actual pain, along with pathological symptoms at this point. With the appearance of these symptoms, the medical physician can finally give The Sufferer's complaint a label. Traditionally, medical scientists have named many of the 20,000 distinctly different diseases after the site where the toxins have accumulated and precipitated their symptoms. Once the set of symptoms is conveniently named, the physician can mechanically prescribe the "antidote" from his Physician's Desk Reference or from his memorized medical/pharmaceutical repertoire. Standard allopathic medical physicians thus commence drugging and treating at this stage.
STAGE FIVE IS ULCERATION: Tissues are destroyed. The body ulcerates, forming an outlet for the poisonous build-up. The Toxic Sufferer experiences a multiplication and worsening of symptoms while the pain intensifies. Standard medical physicians typically continue drugging and often commence with surgery and other forms of more radical and questionable treatment at this stage.
STAGE SIX IS INDURATION: Induration is the result of long-standing, chronic inflammation with bouts of acute inflammation interspersed. The chronic inflammation causes an impairment or sluggishness of circulation and because some cells succumb, they are replaced with scar tissue. This is the way we lose good, normal functioning cells - by chronic inflammation and death of cells. Toxins may or may not be encapsulated in a tumor, sac, wen, or polyp. The Toxic Sufferer endures even more physical pain, with is intensified by the emotional distress of realizing that he is only getting worse, regardless of this earnest, obedient, even heroic attempts to get well. Standard medical physicians continue with both drugging and surgery and all other kinds of modalities deemed appropriate , both conventional and experimental. ("Induration" means "hardening" or "scarring" of tissues.)
STAGE SEVEN IS IRREVERSIBLE DEGENERATION AND/OR FUNGATION (CANCER): Cellular integrity is destroyed through their disorganization and/or cancerous proliferation. Tissues, organs and whole systems lose their ability to function normally. Biochemical and morphological changes from the depositing of Endogenous and Exogenous Toxins bring about degenerations and death at the cellular level. The Toxic Sufferer is "a pathological mess". He is on his deathbed. Standard medical practitioners declare at this stage: "There is no hope left. You have just so much longer to live. You need to take preparations accordingly." Failure of vital organs eventually results in death.
If you're wondering why this, the real causes of dis ease or symptoms are not taught in medical schools, the answer is simple. Medical science is mostly not real science. It's mostly based on Rockefeller science which is based on making money, lots of it! There's not much money to be made in properly guiding people back to higher states of health where they wouldn't need or want most medical treatments since they are healthy and know how to maintain their higher levels of health. The exceptions would be when it comes to trauma care - accidents, injuries, emergencies, birth defects and some corrective surgeries. So there are some areas where you may need a properly trained physician. I've had two physical accidents in the last 20 years and of course I went to an orthopedist. And I have regular dental cleanings and check-ups because it's not about who's right it's about what's right given one's needs right. So I am not anti-medical. It's just that medical school students are deliberately mistrained since most health issues are due to malnutrition and medical school students have no training in nutritional science. That's the problem. They are trained to sell drugs which financially enhances the pharmaceutical companies who control their education. That's great for them but not for you!
So in the next section, you can read some testimonial letters from those with whom I've had the honor of assisting in achieving higher states of health...
Bear in mind that none of these clients underwent any kind of treatments. Instead, They were TAUGHT how to increase mind over matter healing potential but not the conscious mind; rather, the Autonomic Nervous System part of the brain that makes ALL THE INTERNAL DECISIONS for your life. Nothing woo-woo here. This is based on the immutable natural physiological laws that govern what we are in nature. It works the same in every human being. No magic potions, remedies or cures, just the real deal - healing from dis ease. Nature has rules and when followed, she performs beautifully for a long time. Dis ease becomes optional not a necessity. All it takes is a desire to be healthier and some basic learning skills which you already have. Or, one can choose to stay in their medical trance, keep palliating symptoms with all the false promises out there, medical and alternative alike, and your time will come when you'll be on the O.R. table, spliced open from stem to stern when in fact, your health problems are due to malnutrition and aren't medical problems at all. I told my uncle not to go under the knife for cardio vascular degeneration for the third time. He died on the table as did my other uncle from cancer. Both were filthy rich but all the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put Humpy Dumpty back together again. Oh well....
So if diseases are due to excessive toxemia and all drugs are toxic isn't that like pouring gasoline on a fire to put it out. Exactly! So then all the people dying with so called covid or any other pathology are actually dying from having a compromised body AND the medical treatments1 ~ Yep, you got it!!!! That's why Dr. Tilden went drugless. Oh, and by the way, anything that stops acute and chronic symptoms is the worst thing you can do to yourself. As I've explained above, they ARE the cure! That would include all so called medicines, the taking of herbs, supplements, so called essential oils, the use of "healing" machines, acupuncture, deep massage, chiropractic adjustments, homeopathic and naturopathic "remedies", light "therapy", sound "therapy" ad nauseum. So if you want to continue to use your body as a really bad high school science experiment, have at it, but if you want to do the intelligent thing, to LEARN how to remove the CAUSES of your dis eases, Mother Nature absolutely provides a way to do that and that's what I can offer you - real, genuine, lasting dis ease free living where you are in control of your own healthcare. If that sounds good to you, you know how to reach me. . .
Corrective Nutrition
For more information, call, text or email to set up an initial consultation and say 'goodbye' to chronic health problems and the never ending expensive treatments and trips to the "doctors' " offices and pharmacies...
(808) 937-1649
[email protected]